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Posts Tagged ‘Oklahoma Tornado help

Oklahoma Urgent Care Association Says Help Is Needed Now

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The Urgent Care Association of Oklahoma is urging Urgent Care practitioners and those involved in the Urgent Care industry to act now to help the victims of the devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma.

“The Urgent Care industry is known for providing Urgent Care on a day-to-day basis. Now, when thousands of people are in urgent need, that same caring philosophy should be a driving force for the Urgent Care industry to provide help for the tornado victims,” said Sam Yates, founder of the Urgent Care Association of Oklahoma. The Urgent Care Association of Oklahoma, the only Urgent Care Association of its kind in Oklahoma has posted links on its website directing where help may be sent. You may visit the Urgent Care Association of Oklahoma at www.ucaook.org.

“The devastating tornadoes are also another example of why Urgent Care centers should be a critical component of mass casualty or significant disaster response,” added Yates. “Urgent Care owners and managers should take the lead to meet with disaster officials, health departments, and other similar organizations to see if there is a role they may play when a disaster such as the Oklahoma tornado strikes. Even if the plan is to rapidly publicize that Urgent Care centers are open to treat non-life threatening injuries, that plan should be in place. It would help to relieve the significant burden hospitals and other care providers face after a significant event where natural or man-made,” concluded Yates.

The Urgent Care Association of Oklahoma is one of 50 business-to-business Urgent Care Associations located throughout the United States. To become a member of a state Urgent Care Association or to inquire about Preferred Vendor opportunities for single or multiple states, contact Sam Yates at (772) 528-5185 or by e mail at sam@yatespro.com.